Psychology & Human Services - Shorter University


College of Humanities and Social Sciences


Students learn both research skills and therapeutic techniques for working with clients. Our psychology faculty members strongly believe that those in the helping professions must be able to understand and contribute to professional research in order to offer their clients the best and most current interventions.


  • Bachelor of Arts
    • Psychology
    • Human Services
  • Bachelor of Science
    • Psychology
    • Human Services

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Cooper Fine Arts Building

Psychology internships are offered in both the B.S. and B.A. in Psychology. You may choose to complete one internship (PSY 4050) for 3 credit hours or add a second internship (PSY 4060) for an additional 3 credit hours.

Find out more about psychology internships

Meet Our Faculty

Dr. Earl Kellett
Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research, Professor of Christian Studies, and SACSCOC Liaison
Dr. Dustin Addison
Chair, Department of Social Sciences and Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
Dr. Brent Baskin
Chair, Department of Christian Studies and Professor of Christian Studies - Youth Ministry
Dr. William Mullen
Chair of Communication Studies and Professor of Communication Studies
Dr. Angela C. O’Neal
Chair, Department of English, Modern Language, & Liberal Arts, Professor of English
Dr. Donald Dowless
President, Professor of Christian Studies
Mrs. Melissa Baskin
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
Mrs. Katherine Dudley Blair
Professor of Communication Studies
Dr. Charles Carter
Tenured Associate Professor of History
Dr. Rick Crawford
Tenured Associate Professor of Political Science
Dr. Randy Douglass
Associate Professor of Christian Studies
Dr. Jill Goad
Associate Professor of English
Dr. Alan Hix
Professor of Christian Studies
Dr. Terry Morris
Tenured Professor of History and Political Science
Dr. Justin Pettegrew
Professor of History
Dr. Luciana Philyaw
Assistant Professor of Human Services
Dr. Julie Pond
Professor of English, Director of Honors Program
Dr. Fabrice Poussin
Professor of French, Chimes Sponsor
Mrs. Andrea Davis Stiles, EdM
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Dr. Zack Strait
Assistant Professor of English, The Chimes Advisor
Dr. Christine Szostak
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Ms. Mary Corbin
Assistant to the Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences