Educational Background
- PhD. Rutgers University, French Literature
- MA. Rutgers University, French Literature
- BA. Rutgers University, History
Courses taught
- French I, elementary French, Part I
- French II, Elementary French, Part II
- French III, Intermediate French
- French for Reading Knowledge
- French for Lifelong Learners
- Survey of French Literature I
- Survey of French Literature II
- Advanced French Grammar and Composition
- French Civilization and Culture
- Business French
- French Composition and Conversation
- Medieval French Literature
- 19th Century French Literature
- 20th Century French Literature
- The Theater of The absurd
- Graduate Seminar: Charles Baudelaire
- Race, Class and Gender in World Film
- American Literature Survey
- World Literature, Part II
- English Composition
- Americans in Paris
- African American Literature
- Literary Crossroads; Immigrant Literature in the United States
- The Arthurian Legend, Honors Colloquium
Teaching Experience
- Fairmont State University, West Virginia
- University of Texas, Arlington, Tyler, Dallas
- University of Dallas
- Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
- Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
- Dallas International School
- Rutgers University, New Jersey
- Alliance Française, Dallas, Texas
Other professional Experience
- Photographer, Photography trainer, Lifetouch studios
- Training manager, Medco/ Accredo / Express Scripts
- Assistant Principal, Dallas International School
Awards and Grants
- University of Michigan, Summer Seminar on CD Authoring for Language Learning
- San Diego State University, Summer Seminar on Language learning Video Production
- Fairmont State University, Summer Seminar for French Education Majors
- University of Washington, Summer Seminar on teaching Methodologies for learners or Foreign Languages
- International Film Festival Funding, for 5 consecutive years FACSEE, Film Grants
- Teaching Excellence Award, Shorter University, 2016
- Shorter University Outstanding Support to Freshmen, 2014, 2017, 2018
Conferences organized
- France-Amérique 2000
- France-Amérique 2001
- Multi-cultural conferences celebrating the two centuries of Franco-American Relations; creator, organizer, and fund raiser for the events
Study Abroad Programs Organized
1999 and 2001
- Organized and lead 2 week Summer Study programs in Paris, for 3 consecutive years
- Sauvez Son Ame, La Pensée Universelle, Paris
- Le Féminin dans les Fleurs du Mal de Charles Baudelaire, Doctoral Dissertation
- “L’invitation au Voyage”, Kestrel, # 17, Spring 2007
860 poems published in more than 400 magazines including:
- “Fear of the Light,” Roads,” and “Trembling to Ecstasy,” Eskimo Pie, March 2016
- “Legacy of Ghosts,” and “Christmas in Barbed Wire”, The Chimes, March 2016
- “My Own Hero,” The Great Journey,” and “In The Underground,” Secrets and Dreams, an anthology published by Kind of Hurricane Press, 2015
- “Locked Up,” Pilcrow & Dagger, November 2017
- “Alphabet Soup, Writer’s Block, “December 2017
- “Tomb of Fear,” Now Then Magazine, October 2017
- “Forever She,” Brushfire Literature and Arts Journal, December 2017
- “Explorer,” “Feeding the Monsters,” “Fingers Prints on Another Light,” “Pilot,” “Quiet Man,” Adelaide, April 2018
- “Kissing the Cosmos,” Euphemism, May 2018
- “Phantasm,” “Fade to Black,” The Mark Literary Review, May 2019
- “Soul of the Ruins,” Poetry Life and Times, April 2019
- “Dream of the Dying,” Grand Little Things, December 2020
- “Aurora,” “Parking Lot,” “The Colors of Death,” Communicator’s League, December 2020
- “Lead Sea,” “Calling in the Dark,” Fiery Scribe Review, August 2021
- “Leaving the Bones Behind,” Pomona Valley Review, # 15, August 2021
- “When the Light Goes Out,”, The Littoral Magazine, September 2021
- “The Weight of Death,” The international Poetry Review, Fall 2022
- “To the Dream,” “Time for Sale,” “Shells,” “Little Lives,” “Going Home,” “Final Talk,” Setu, October 2020
- “Born at Last,” “Broken Pinocchio,” “Soul on a Platter,” “To the Sacred Winds,” Trouvaille, May 2021
- “Homeless,” “Left Behind,” “Monster Outside,” “The Waves in Her Soul,” The Northwest Indiana Literary Journal, May 2020
Poetry Collection
- “In Absentia,” Poetry Collection, Silver Bow Publications, 2021
More than 2,000 photographs published in over 600 magazines including:
- “Lost in the Desert,” San Pedro River Review, February 2016
- “After the Storm,” Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, February 2016
- “The Original Rocking Chairs,” Front Porch Review, January 2016
- “Discovered, Uncovered,” Gnarled Oak Magazine, February 2016
- “The Reader”, cover, Five on the Firth, February 2016
- “Writing by the Light,” cover, # 180, # 182, Crack the Spine, January-February 2016
- “The Mills”, The Chimes, March 2016
- “First Error,” The Brooklyn Review, December 2017
- “Good Night,” “Heaven?”, “Soothing,” “Sphynx,” “Teasing Heaven,” “The Courtroom,” Communicator’s League, November 2018
- “Almost Cozy,” “Blizzard in our South,” “December Frosty,” “January Thaw?,” “Off Season,” “ Princess,” “Santa in Strike Again,” “Tendre Flakes,” “The Two Sisters,” “Won’t You Sit With me?,” “Where Have all the Birds Gone,” Faith, Hope, and Fiction, Winter 2017-18
- “A Dream,” “Next Creation,” “Quest,” “To the Artist Pinyon Review, ,” Issue # 13, June 2018
- “Purple Tales,” “Sharing All,” Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine, Fall/Winter 2017, September 2017
- “An Artist’s Wish,” “Before the Quilt,” “Deep Thoughts,” “Her Galaxies,” South Florida Poetry Journal, August 2017
- “Life at 10,000 feet,” Sunlight Press, February, 2018
- “Collection,” “End,” Little Rose Magazine, March 2018
- “Spring Again,” Gnarled Oak, Issue # 15, March 2018
- “The Old Maiden,” “Thirst,” “To the Treasure Chamber,” Chrysalis Journal, May 2018.
- “Family of Ten,” “Loving,” “The Lead,” “To Another,” “To Little Red Riding Hood,” “Two in One,” Aromatica Poetica, March, 2019
- “Her View,” “Nice Evening,” Berkeley Fiction Review, Issue # 39
- “Distant Memories,” “Forever,” “Life Source,” “Safe,” “Organs of the Orb,” Poetry Pacific, November 2019
- “The Source,” Off the Coast, Summer 2019
- “Lost in the Wild,” “Pair of Jokers,” “Questions,” Portland Metrozine, Spring 2020
- “Secrets,” “I saw Her,” “The Dreadful Blues,” Hedge Apple, May 2020
- “Deep Space,” “Strange Thoughts,” On Loan from the Cosmos, July 2020
- “After they Prayed,” “Broken Promises,” “Careful Now,” “Everyone’s Palace,” “Welcome,” Abergavenny Journal, July 2021
- “Pure,” “Gift,” “Dream,” Pomona River Valley, August 2021
- “Majesty,” The Start Literary Journal, August 2021
- The Language of Photography
- The American Presence in Paris
- Race, Class, and Gender Studies
- Charles Baudelaire’s the Flowers of Evil
- 19th Century French Literature
- 20th Century French Literature
- Colonial Literature
- World Film Studies
- African American Literature
- American Immigrant Literature
- Women and Christianity in the Contemporary World
- American Christianity and European Secularism
- American Literature Nobel Prize winners from Sinclair Lewis to Bob Dylan
- The Arthurian Legend
Military Experience
- Security Unit of the French Air Force.