Campus Safety - Shorter University


Campus Safety Office: 706-233-7218
The Gatehouse: 706-295-5334
Emergency Number: 706-233-7911
Office Location: Fitton Student Union


The Director oversees this office. Campus Safety employs duty officers and gatehouse officers. All officers are trained in first aid and CPR. They patrol the campus on foot and by vehicle on a 24 hour basis. They are present to prevent illegal activity, enforce university regulations, check suspicious persons, and provide assistance and information to the campus community. Members of the office maintain a close working relationship with local, state, and federal law enforcement authorities and other emergency service organizations on matters related to campus security.


The gatehouse controls and monitors vehicular access to the campus. The gatehouse operates on a 24 hour basis; weekly, weekends, and holidays. Permissible vehicles include those with proper decals as well as those with proper identification, persons attending a scheduled public event, and an expected guest of the campus community.

If you are a resident and have a guest visiting campus, please notify the gatehouse at 706-295-5334 prior to the guest’s arrival.


The “Campus Safety Traffic Rules and Regulations” publication is the official policy and procedure document relating to those who operate vehicles on Shorter University campuses. Anyone operating a vehicle on campuses are responsible for knowing and following these regulations. You may pick up a traffic brochure at the Campus Safety Office located in the Fitton Student Union, Room 126.

All returning and new students are required to register their vehicles. Students can pay the registration fee in the Business Office, bring the receipt to Campus Safety, and fill out a brief form that includes information about make and model of vehicle, and personal information. An appropriate decal will be issued. More information may be found in The Pinnacle, the student handbook.


The goal of Campus Safety is to assure to the best of our ability the protection and preservation of life and property from criminal acts and physical hazards. The expected outcomes include:

  • the proper atmosphere in which to work and study
  • a sense of security for members of the Shorter University community
  • maintenance of an environment supportive of the educational mission of the University
  • the ability to attract groups, visitors, and prospects to a pleasant campus
  • fewer criminal incidents
  • better protection for the University against liability risks

Residence hall staff members hold mandatory meetings at the beginning of the year (and with new students each semester) to explain regulations, fire and safety procedures, and the responsibilities of each student for his/her own security and that of others. These meetings, as well as other programs held throughout the year, include information on fire and crime prevention, alcohol and drug abuse, date rape, etc.

Crime Prevention Tips


Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to report criminal actions, potentially hazardous actions, and other emergencies, by calling the emergency telephone (706) 233-7911, the Campus Safety Office at (706) 233-7218, or the Gatehouse at (706) 295-5334. In addition, Resident Assistants and Directors have direct contact to campus security and the City of Rome has the 911 emergency response systems. All incidents are reported to the University for Review and follow up. Incidents regarding criminal activity and violent crime are to be reported to the Rome Police Department and are posted for the information of the campus community.

The person who receives the report who has reasonable cause to believe that the report is valid shall make an oral report thereof immediately by telephone or otherwise to the appropriate police authority. Any person required to make a report pursuant to the Code section who knowingly and willingly fails to do so shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Georgia Code 20-2-1184)

Students, faculty, and staff have access to academic, recreational, and administrative facilities on campus. The general public may attend special events on campus. Residence halls are locked 24 hours a day and are accessible only to residents. Shorter University’s Facilities Operations Department inspect campus facilities regularly and respond immediately to reports of potential safety and security hazards.

The Campus Safety Director submits a regular activity report to the Director of Auxiliary Services. The Rome Police Department reports are published weekly in the local newspaper and are monitored on campus.

Crisis Response Manual


The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is the landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act, which requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses.

Annual Shorter University Campus Safety and Security Survey and Fire Report

Clery Act Definitions:  Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

Domestic violence:

  • A felony or misdemeanor crime of violence committed-
  1. By a current or former spouse or intimate partner or the victim;
  2. By a person with whom the victim shares a child in common;
  3. By a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner;
  4. By a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred, or
  5. By any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred.
  • Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery Act reporting.

Dating Violence:

  • Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim.
  • The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the reporting party’s statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
  • For the purpose of this definition-
  1. Dating violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse or threat of such abuse.
  2. Dating violence does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence.
  3. Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery Act reporting.


  • Means a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for her, his, or others’ safety, or to suffer substantial emotional distress.
  • Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery Act reporting.

Sexual Assault:

  • Sexual assault includes attempted or completed rape; any sexual touching of another person against his or her will; and/or forcing an unwilling person to touch another person sexually.  Sexual assault may be committed by a stranger or by an acquaintance, and may occur between members of the same or opposite sexes.

Sexual assault occurs when such acts are committed either by actual or implied force, coercion, threat, intimidation, or through the use of the survivor’s mental or physical helplessness, including intoxication from alcohol or drugs, of which the assailant was aware or should have been aware.  The use of alcohol or drugs will not be accepted as justification for the actions of any person charged with the violation.

  • Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery Act reporting.

Sexual Harassment:

  • Sexual harassment consists of, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct or written communication of a sexual nature, and hostile or intimidating behavior motivated by another’s sex or gender.

Sexual harassment covers any unwelcome sexual attention.

  • Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery Act reporting.

Sex Offender Notification and Information (Megan’s Law)

The Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act by the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 to require sex offenders who are enrolled in or work at institutions of higher education to register with the state’s sex offender registration program.  This act requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement information provided by a state concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained.

Below are links to websites that list registered sex offenders, updating every 72 hours.

This website is operated by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and allows you to search by offender name, city, county or zip code in Georgia.

This website is operated by the United States Department of Justice and allows you to search by offender name, city, county or zip code of participating states.


If you are being threatened with physical harm, call 706-233-7911.


Contact the Office of Campus Safety for programs on the following topics:

  • General crime prevention tips
  • Rape prevention tips, as well as the importance of reporting rape even when you do not intend to prosecute
  • Self-defense for women

Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy

As a recipient of federal grants, Shorter University adheres to the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (as amended) and any applicable regulations issued pursuant thereto. This policy is reviewed biennially.

The use of alcohol, illegal drugs, and marijuana are prohibited at Shorter University, including all sites for the University of Adult and Professional Programs and any University sponsored event on or off campus, and are incompatible with the goals of the institution. The use of alcohol and /or illegal drugs is potentially harmful, physically and mentally, and often interferes with the user’s ability to function adequately in his or her academic and social life. It also often impinges upon the social and academic rights of others. Special efforts are made to keep alcohol and drugs off campus and to prevent distribution on campus. Several opportunities are offered throughout the year to learn about the effects of alcohol and drug abuse, as well as the danger of tobacco.

Georgia law prohibits the purchase or possession of alcohol by a person under the age of 21 or the furnishing of alcohol to such a person. Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is also illegal. It is against Georgia law to, under certain circumstances, walk or be upon the roadway while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. The punishment for these offenses may include mandatory treatment and education programs, community service, payment of a fine, imprisonment, and loss of one’s driver’s license. Students facing legal action off campus may be held accountable through the Shorter University judicial system. Under Georgia and federal law, it is a crime to possess, manufacture, sell or distribute illegal drugs. Shorter University expects all members of the community to comply with the state and federal laws pertaining to drugs. The sale, purchase, manufacture, distribution, and use of drug paraphernalia are prohibited. This does not apply to the possession and use of controlled substances as part of the care and treatment of disease or injury.

Smoking Policy

The use of any form of tobacco is prohibited at Shorter University. The use of tobacco products is potentially harmful and often interferes with the user’s ability to function adequately in his or her academic and social life. It often impinges upon the social and academic rights of others, especially with consideration to second-hand smoke.


Drug and Alcohol Abuse Education Programs

Alcohol and Other Drug Education is provided through the Office of Health Services. Social and educational programs are offered to encourage students to make low-risk decisions regarding alcohol and other drug use. All freshmen are required to participate in an online drug and alcohol educational program, which is followed up in their freshman seminar course. Residence Life also provides opportunities for students to participate in drug and alcohol education programs.


In case of fire, or if a fire alarm sounds, first check your door. If your door is hot, do not open—stuff wet towels under the door. If on a lower floor, you should leave by the window. Other residents should hang something out their window and wait until help arrives. If your door is cool, then open the door, look both ways down the hall, then leave by the nearest exit. Go immediately to your designated “Safe Area,” as far away from the fire as possible:

Emergency Protocols – Student housing evacuation

Fire drills are conducted at various times throughout the year in accordance with local and state regulations. Residents are to cooperate with persons directing the drill and are to remain outside the building until the drill has been completed. When the fire alarm sounds, all students and guests must evacuate the building immediately. Please find the nearest exit and do not linger around the outside exit. Do not return to the building until proper authorization is given by the Residence Life Staff or Campus Safety. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

Tornado drills are conducted at various times throughout the year in accordance with local and state regulations. Students are expected to seek the lowest level of shelter in the building in which they are present.  They should also stay clear of windows, doors, or other items which may become broken or airborne during a tornado.  Do not return to your room or daily activities until given proper authorization either from Residence Life Staff or Campus Safety.  Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

Note: Tampering with or removing fire alarms, fire extinguishers, exit signs, or other safety equipment is against the law. Likewise, giving false alarms is also against the law. Minimum sanctions for the first offense violation of tampering with fire and safety equipment is subject to penalties as set forth by State Law.


Personal Emergency Notification System

Shorter University uses an emergency notification system, Shorter2U, to provide instant alerts regarding emergency situations, severe weather advisories, and school closings. Alerts can be received on your cell phone (via text message), email, or pager. While Shorter2U is offered free of charge to faculty, staff and students, it does require enrollment. After enrolling, log into your account, where you may provide up to two cell phone numbers and two email addresses.

Please go to and then the Campus Life Tab to register.

The Shorter2U system is powered by e2Campus, a leading mass-notification system for colleges and universities. Depending on your personal cell phone plan, there may be a nominal fee from your carrier to receive text messages, but there is no charge from the school to use this service.


During business hours, contact the Office Student Support Services at 706-233-7417. After hours call Campus Safety at 706-233-7911.


Resident students are required on an annual basis to submit a name and contact phone number for a person whom they wish the university would contact if they are missing. This information is maintained confidentially with Residence Life and the Campus Safety Office.

In the event that Campus Safety receives a report of a student that is considered missing, the Director of Campus Safety shall be notified as soon as possible. If, after a brief investigation, it is determined that the student is in fact missing, the Director of Auxiliary Services will be notified along with Rome Police Department. If the student is under 18 years old, the parent or guardian will be notified. If a student is over 18 years old, the person designated as a contact will be notified. Campus Safety will cooperate with the police department by providing any information they may need to launch a missing person report and investigation.