Rebuilding the Steinway
Shorter University has a history of training quality pianists, and to continue this training, the music department has started the Piano Program Project.
This project was started in 2019 as a three-phase project. Phase one focused on the practice rooms, which included buying digital pianos, refurbishing the grand pianos, and purchasing new hydraulic artist benches. Phase two included purchasing new hammers for the Shigeru Kawai concert grand, and they were installed in 2021.
In 2023, phase three began, which involves fully rebuilding the Steinway Concert Grand. This piano lives in Brookes Chapel and was given in 1982 in honor of piano teacher, Ms. Elizabeth Buday.
This standard maintenance consists of replacing the action, strings, and soundboard, and refinishing the cabinet. These measures will restore the Steinway to its original condition.
The project reached 94.07% of its giving goal, which is a great accomplishment and has impacted the Piano Program at Shorter University.
The School of Fine and Performing Arts would like to invite you to partner with them as they continue to invest in the lives of our students. Any amount you donate to this fund will go to the upkeep and maintenance of these fine instruments, ensuring that future generations of students have access to a world class education in the arts.
To learn more about the program, visit