- Associates of Science, Christian Studies (Online)
- CST 2200 Evangelism
- CST 2225 Old Testament Interpretation
- CST 2226 New Testament Interpretation
- CST 3110 Church History
- CST 3725 Systematic Theology I
- CST 3726 Systematic Theology II
Christian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Science
- Online version available
Youth Ministry
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Science
Christian Studies Core (30 Hours) (online)
- CST 2200 Evangelism
- CST 2225 Old Testament Interpretation
- CST 2226 New Testament Interpretation
- CST 2500 The Church in Word and Worship
- CST 2700 Survey of Christian Education
- CST 3001 Intro. to Christian Leadership
- CST 3110 Church History
- CST 3725 Systematic Theology I
- CST 3726 Systematic Theology II
- LAR 3000 Ethics in Workplace and Society
Choose one concentration from the following: (12 Hours)
- Biblical Languages
- Biblical Studies (online)
- Ministry (online)
- Youth Ministry
- Biblical Studies (online)
- Christian Apologetics (online)
- Christian Studies (online)
- Ministry (online)
- Missions
- Sports Ministry
- Youth Ministry
More Information
Our Mission
The School of Christian Studies exists to train servant leaders for worldwide ministry through spiritual growth, evangelism, biblical scholarship, and Christian service in order to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20).
Our Vision
Our desire is to be on mission with God in order to bring all peoples of the world to saving faith in Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:3-4; 2 Peter 3:9; Acts 1:8).
Student Organizations
Theta Alpha Kappa is the honor society for the School of Christian Studies, and is a related scholarly organization of the American Academy of Religion, and affiliate society of the Council of Societies for the Study of Religion, and a member of the Association of College Honor Societies. The purpose of Theta Alpha Kappa is to honor those who have shown excellence of achievement and promise of continued growth in the disciplines of Religious Studies and Theology. The Society aims to further the disciplines of Christian Studies by encouraging research, good teaching, publication, and an intellectual and social exchange among students, teachers, and writers of the disciplines.
Christian Leaders on the Hill (CLOTH) – The purpose of Christian Leaders on the Hill is to provide servant leadership support and training for Christian Studies majors and minors in their present and future ministries around the world. Advisor – Dr. Brent Baskin
Meet Our Faculty

Dr. Earl Kellett
Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research, Professor of Christian Studies, and SACSCOC Liaison
Dr. Brent Baskin
Chair, Department of Christian Studies and Professor of Christian Studies - Youth Ministry
Dr. Donald Dowless
President, Professor of Christian Studies
Dr. Randy Douglass
Associate Professor of Christian Studies