Ph.D. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Department of Speech Communication
Major: Communication Studies
Minors: Rhetorical Criticism, Organizational Communication,
Classical Greek
Dissertation: The Polemical Sermons of John Chrysostom Against
the Judaizing Christians: A Dramatistic Analysis
Identifying the Representative Anecdote
Advisor: Dennis R. Bormann, Ph.D.
M.Div. Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, IN
Emphasis: New Testament, Greek, Homiletics
Thesis: The Present Intercessory Ministry of Christ
Advisor: John C. Whitcomb, Jr., Th.D.
B.A. Grace College of the Bible, Omaha, NE
Major: Bible, Pastoral Ministries
Shorter University, Rome, GA, 2014-Present,
Full Professor, 8/14 to present.
Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA, 2002-2014
Full Professor, 7/12 to 6/14.
Associate Professor, 7/05 to 7/12.
Assistant Professor, 7/02 to 7/05.
Pueblo Community College, Pueblo, CO, 1/00 to 8/00.
Adjunct Professor, English/Speech Department
Colorado Christian College, Lakewood, CO, 8/97 to 5/99
Assistant Professor, School of Professional Studies
University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 1/84 to 12/90
Instructor, Department of Speech Communication, 1/87 to 12/90
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Speech
Communication, 1/84 to 12/86
Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, NE, 1/88 to 6/88
Visiting Assistant Professor, Speech and Theatre Department
Courses Taught
Shorter University, Rome, GA
COM 1010, Introduction to Communication
COM 1802, Media Lab, Print 1
COM 2000, Survey of Mass Media
COM 2003, Fundamentals of Communication Research
COM 2100, Interpersonal Communication
COM 2801, Media Lab, Print 2
COM 3050, Media Law
COM 3150, Small Group/Team Communication
COM 3366, Nonverbal Communication
COM 3450, Organizational Communication
COM 3500, Communication Theory
COM 3750, Crisis Communication
COM 3840, Organizational Leadership
COM 4000, Research Methods
COM 4350, Conflict Management
COM 4429, Persuasion
Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA
COMS 680, Research Methods
COMS 550, Communication Education
COMS 524, Small Group Theory
COMS 520, Communication Theory
COMS 512, British Public Address
COMS 510, Rhetorical Theory
COMS 475, Criticism of Public Address
COMS 465, Rhetorical Theory
COMS 345, Persuasion
COMS 210, Communication Perspectives
COMS 110, Introduction to Mass Communication
COMS 101, Speech Communication
Pueblo Community College, Pueblo, CO
SPE 115, Principles of Speech Communication
Colorado Christian University, Lakewood, CO
BUS 452, Group & Organizational Behavior
CLP 428, Praxis of Organizational Health & Growth
COM 485, Effective Interpersonal Communication
PTM 401, Homiletics
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
COMM 390, Instructor Assistant Training
COMM 325, Principles and Practices of Interviewing
COMM 311, Business and Professional Communication
COMM 210, Small Group Problem Solving
COMM 209, Public Speaking
COMM 109, Fundamentals of Human Communication:
Personalized System of Instruction
Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, NE
COMM 001, Fundamentals of Speech
Interim Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Pueblo, CO, 2001
Senior Pastor, Grace Church, Sioux Falls, SD, 1/96 to 7/97
Pastor, Shiloh Evangelical Free Church, West Fargo, ND, 12/90 to 12/94
Book and Publications
Mullen, Faith and William Mullen. “Crediting Your Sources: How to
Cite Your Sources Properly in A Speech.” In D.H. Alban, (Ed.)
Speech Communication: A Redemptive Introduction. 2 ed. Dubuque:
Kendall Hunt, 2013
Mullen, William and Faith Mullen. “Managing Speech Anxiety:
Taming the Inner Tiger.” In D.H. Alban. (Ed.) Speech Communication: A Redemptive Introduction. 2nd ed. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt, 2013
Mullen, Faith, and William Mullen, Teaching Communication Creatively: Practical Ideas to Enhance Student Learning. Lynchburg, VA: Liberty
Press, 2012.
Mullen, Faith and Mullen William. “Crediting Your Sources: How to
Cite Your Sources Properly in A Speech.” In Alban, D.H., Speech
Communication: A Redemptive Approach. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt, 2012.
Mullen, William and Faith Mullen. “Managing Speech Anxiety:
Taming the Inner Tiger.” In Alban, D.H., Speech Communication: A Redemptive Approach. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt, 2012.
Fasciano, Andrea, Josehp Marcus, Faith Mullen, and William Mullen.
“Teaching Groupthink Through the Rhetoric of The Lion King’s ‘Be
Prepared.’” In Faith and William Mullen’s Teaching Communication
Creatively: Practical Ideas to Enhance Student Learning. Lynchburg:
Liberty University Press, 2012.
Mullen, Faith, William Mullen, and Annie Mullen. “Building Reciprocating Bridges: Teaching Self-Disclosure in Interpersonal Relationships.” In Faith and William Mullen’s Teaching Communication Creatively: Practical Ideas to Enhance Student Learning. Lynchburg: Liberty University Press, 2012.
Mullen, William, Faith Mullen, Andrea Fasciano, and Joseph Marcus.
“Would You Rather?: Using Self-Disclosure to Promote and to
Celebrate Community.” In Faith and William Mullen’s Teaching
Communication Creatively: Practical Ideas to Enhance Student Learning.
Lynchburg: Liberty University Press, 2012.
Willis, Chelsey, April Pressley, William Mullen, and Faith Mullen. “Act Like a Celebrity: Teaching Students to Eliminate Verbal Clutter As They Communicate.” In Faith and William Mullen’s Teaching
Communication Creatively: Practical Ideas to Enhance Student Learning.
Lynchburg: Liberty University Press, 2012.
Marcus, Joseph, Andrea Fasciano, William Mullen, and Faith Mullen.
“Celebrating and Illustrating the Power of Nonverbal Communication.”
In Faith and William Mullen’s Teaching Communication Creatively:
Practical Ideas to Enhance Student Learning. Lynchburg: Liberty
University Press, 2012.
Mullen, William, Faith Mullen, Andrea Fasciano, and Joseph Marcus.
“Community Languages: Using Unusual Language Structures to Teach
Group Synergy.” In Faith and William Mullen’s Teaching
Communication Creatively: Practical Ideas to Enhance Student Learning.
Lynchburg: Liberty University Press, 2012.
Mullen, William and Faith Mullen. “Egg crates in Motion: Teaching Small Group Communication Roles and Synergy.” In Faith and William Mullen’s Teaching Communication Creatively: Practical Ideas to Enhance Student Learning. Lynchburg: Liberty University Press, 2012.
Mullen, Annie, Faith Mullen, and William Mullen. “Needed One Good Roommate: Teaching Conflict Resolution in Small Group
Communication.” In Faith and William Mullen’s Teaching
Communication Creatively: Practical Ideas to Enhance Student Learning.
Lynchburg: Liberty University Press, 2012.
Mullen, William, Faith Mullen, and Annie Mullen. “Teaching the
Relationship Between Social Networking Sites and the Prying
Eyes of Employers.” In Faith and William Mullen’s Teaching
Communication Creatively: Practical Ideas to Enhance Student Learning.
Lynchburg: Liberty University Press, 2012.
Conference Presentations
Georgia Communication Association 2015 Convention, Statesboro, GA.
Panelist, “It’s about Technology and Pedagogy: Incorporating Social
Media into the Basic Course.”
Panelist, “Using Music to Teach about Stereotypes and Expectations,” Great Ideas For Teaching Speech (G.I.F.T.S.).
National Communication Association 2014 Convention, Chicago, IL.
Panelist, “Expression of Our Past and Presence through Improvisation: Teaching Impromptu Speaking and Improvisational Story Telling,” Great Ideas For Teaching Speech (G.I.F.T.S.).
Panelist, “Virtual Service Learning Projects: Providing Lasting Profits for the Non-profit Community.”
Religious Communication Association 2014 Convention, Chicago, IL.
Panelist, “Jerusalem and Athens Meet in College: Christian Faith Integration Strategies for the Undergraduate Communication Course
National Communication Association 2013 Convention, Washington D.C.
Paper, “Dis-Connecting Fans of Jerry Springer from Uncivil Behavior in the Classroom: Dealing with Incivility in the Community College Classroom”
Paper, “The Bachelorette Communication Consultant: Helping Students Build Connections in Love and Business through Successful Feedback”
Paper, “Let’s Go Green: Connecting Service Learning, Communication and Environmental Sustainability”
Paper, “Providing Lasting Profits for the Non-profit Community:
Teaching Graduate Students Organizational Communication”
Paper, “What Can We Learn through Vanity Plates? Developing
Connections through Conflict in Small Groups”
Panelist, “How Latino’s Connect with a New Culture: The Acculturation and Assimilation of Latino’s into United States Culture”
Panelist, “Connecting through Adversity: Studying Cultural Calamities From an Ethnographic Perspective”
Panelist, “Techno-Cultural Innovations in the Classroom: Developing Pedagogy by Connecting Teaching and Consumer Technology”
Panelist, “Connecting Social Media and Rhetorical Criticism: Retooling for the 21st Century”
Broadcast Educators Association 2013 Convention, Las Vegas, NV.
Panelist, Civility: A Case Study, Writing Division
Panelist, Help Your Community by Going Green: Using a Sustainability Project to Teach Communication Students, Writing Division
National Communication Association 2012 Convention, Orlando, FL
Panelist, “Exploring Tomorrow-Land: Putting Students on the ‘Carousel of Progress’ by Incorporating Active Learning Experiences with Virtual Groups. Group Communication Division.
Chair, “Celebrating Friendship and Community: Exploring Interpersonal Relationships in the Workplace.” Interpersonal Communication Division.
Paper, “In the Age of Jersey Shore: How Professors Deal with Incivility and Promote Community in the Classroom.” Instructional Development Division.
Paper, “Would You Rather? Using Self-Disclosure to Promote and Celebrate Community.” Great Ideas For Teaching Speech.
Paper, “Celebrate Community Diversity: Using Service Learning to
Teach Listening to Graduate Students.” Experiential Learning in
Communication Division.
Panelist, “Celebrate and Teach Group Community: Teaching
Groupthink through the Rhetoric of the Lion King’s ‘Be Prepared.’” Great Ideas for Teaching Speech.
Broadcast Educators Association 2012 Convention, Las Vegas, NV.
Panelist, Paper, “Helicopter Parents & Post Modern Students: A
Chair’s Perspective on Managing Civility in the Classroom.” Panel, ” The Dark Side of Teaching: Whatever Happened to Classroom Civility?”
National Communication Association 2011 Convention, New Orleans, LA
Paper, “A Comparative Analysis of Online News Reports of HIV/AIDS Between China and the United States.” Health Communication Division Panel, “Listening to the Voices of People Living With HIV/AIDS.”
Panelist, Basic Course Division, “Graduate Teaching Assistants in the Basic Speech Course: Voicing Concerns About the Future.”
Panelist, Great Ideas For Teaching Speech, “Your Voice is Loud and Clear: Revealing the Relationship Between the Information Posted on Social Networking Sites and the Prying Eyes of Employers.”
Panelist, Community College Section, “Voices From Within the Prison Walls: Challenges in Educating the Incarcerated.”
Panelist, Convention Theme Group, “Doing More with Less? Voicing Concerns Regarding the Future of Budget Crunches and Effects on Communication Education.”
Panelist, Experiential Learning in Communication Division, “Graduate Student Voices in the Community: Using Service-Learning to Teach Graduate Students.”
Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences 2011 Conference, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA
Chair, “Can’t We All Just Get Along? Understanding Small Group
Chair, “Rhetoric, Relatives and ‘Rithmatic: Studies in Communication.”
Chair, How Do Small Groups Communicate? The Theories and Practices of Small Group Communication.”
Chair, “Reality Broadcasting.”
Chair, “Speaking Without Words: Intercultural Miscommunication.”
Eastern Communication Association 2011 Conference, Arlington, VA
Panelist, Chair/Respondent, Communication and Technology, “The Power of the Traditional Church Attendance Versus the New Online Church Encounter: An Auto-Ethnographic View of the World Wide Web Church Experience.”
National Communication Association 2010 Convention, San Francisco, CA
Panelist, Service Learning Division, Panel Title: “Building Bridges
Between Academia and Local Communities: Using Service-Learning
Projects to Teach Communication.”
Panelist, Undergraduate College and University Section, Panel Title
“Testing the Water Beneath the Bridge: Are Tests Useful for “Testing” Learning in Upper Level or Graduate Courses?”
Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences 2010 Convention,
Panelist, Graduate Division, “May I Speak With You?: Create Your Own Job Interview.”
Chair, Rhetoric and Communication Theory Division, “This is the Song That Never Ends: Rhetorical Discourse Goes On and On.”
Chair, Graduate Division, “I Think I Can, I Hope I Can: Get a Job in the Communication Discipline.”
Chair, Communication Education Division, “This is Only a Test: Discussions on the Merit and Pitfalls of Testing in Communication Classes.”
Chair, Graduate Education Division, “Proposed Studies in Communication.”
National Communication Association 2009 Convention, Chicago, IL
Panel Respondent, Communication Ethics Division, Panel Title: “I
Believe There Are Angels Among Us”: How Stability and Change are
Produced by Integrating Faith and Ethical Beliefs in the Communication Classroom.
Panel Chair, Mass Communication Division, Panel Title: “Toto,
We’re Not in Kansas Anymore”: How Reality Television has Changed Popular Culture.
Panel Participant, G.I.F.T.S., Panel Title, “WANTED! One Good
Roommate: Teaching Conflict Resolution in Small Group
Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences, 2009 Convention, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Panel Chair, Applied Communication Division, Panel Title, Addressing the Whole Person: Spirituality in the Communication Classroom
Panel Chair/Participant, Applied Communication Division, Panel Title, Million Dollar Ideas for Teaching Perception in the Communication Classroom.
Panel Chair, Rhetoric and Communication Theory Division, Panel Title, Down on the Farm: Learning about Communication from Farm Animals and Farm Games.
Panel Chair, Interpersonal and Small Group Division, Panel Title,
Grappling With Groups: Small Group Comm. Theory and Practice.
Panel Chair, Interpersonal and Small Group Division, Panel Title,
Research is Great: Proposals for Studying Communication.
National Communication Association 2008 Convention, San Diego, CA
Panel Participant, Community College Section, Panel Title: Can Pop
Music Teach Communication? Using Music as an Unconventional Pedagogical Tool.
Panel Participant, Basic Course Division, Panel Title: Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda: Things I Wish I Had Known About Directing the Basic Course.
Panel Participant, Undergraduate College and University Section, Panel Title: Guess Who’s Coming to Communication Class? The Unconventional Use of Film in the Communication Classroom.
Individual Presentation, G.I.F.T.S., Panel Title: From Apples to Apples: Teaching Perception in Communication.
National Communication Association 2007 Convention, Chicago, IL
Panel Participant, G.I.F.T.S., Panel Title: “Catch the Hot Potato:
Teaching the Communication Model.”
Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences 2008 Convention, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.
Panel Chair, A Medley of Communication Theory Perspectives.
Panel Chair, Multifarious Communication Theories and Practices.
Panel Chair, You’ve Got Mail: Studies in Computer Mediated
Interpersonal Communication.
Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences 2007 Convention, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.
Panel Chair, Considering Culture and Gender: Contemporary Communication Issues.
Panel Presenter, Metamorphosis: Changing Student Attitudes about Public Speaking from Anxiety to Enthusiasm.
Annual Conference on Faith and Communication 2006, Campbell University, Buies Creek, NC, Panel Participant. Panel Title: Defending the Faith: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Power of the Pulpit in Perpetuating Biblical Values. Title: The Polemical Sermons of John Chrysostom Against the Judaizers: A Dramatistic Analysis.
National Communication Association 2006 Convention, San Antonio, TX
Panel Participant, Community College Section, Panel Title:
Teaching at the Jailhouse Rocks: Advice and Strategies for
Teaching in Correctional Facilities. Title: Meanings Are In
People, Not Words.
Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences 2006 Convention, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA.
Panel Title: “How Do You Do?: Creative Introduction Exercises for the First Day of Class.”
Panel Title: “I Found It at the Movies: Using Modern Film to Teach
Communication Principles.”
National Communication Association 2005 Convention, Boston, MA
Panel Participant, Religious Communication, Panel Title: The
Pulpit, Politics, and Pragmatism: The Pulpit as a Pragmatic
Prescription for Healthy Public Discourse. Title: “The Polemical
Sermons of John Chrysostom Against the Judaizers: The
Relationship of Church and State.”
Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences 2005 Convention, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA.
Small Group/Interpersonal Division: Title: “More Fights, More Black Eyes: Dealing Effectively with Student Issues,” Title: “‘Hovering’ Parents: A New Breed.”
Small Group/Interpersonal Division: Panel Title: “Fight the Good
Fight: Defending the Basic Speech Course as a General Education
Requirement.” Title: “If You Build It, They Won’t Cut: Re-
tooling Basic Speech”
Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences 2004 Convention, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Small Group/Interpersonal Division: “Building Community with Students, Faculty, and Departments”
Small Group/Interpersonal Division: “Great Small Group Activities”
Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences 2003 Convention, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. Section IV: The Basic Course In Virginia Colleges and University
Communication Teacher, a peer reviewed academic online journal. February 2007 to 2011.
Workshops Presented
“What Will I Do After Graduate School? How to Find a Job in Today’s Competitive Market.” Liberty University COMS Graduate Student Workshop, April 29, 2008.
“Sell Yourself: How to Complete a Curriculum Vitae and a Professional Portfolio.” Liberty University COMS Graduate Student Workshop, November 6, 2007.
“Encouraging and Promoting Undergraduate Research.” Liberty University, August 8, 2007.
“Faculty and Student Involvement in Undergraduate Research: The Big South Undergraduate Research Conference.” Liberty University, August 9, 2006.
“Rationale for A Hybrid Basic Communication Course.” Liberty University, Department of Communication Studies, Spring 2004,
“Teaching the Research Process in COMS 101.” Liberty University, School of Communication, March 30, 2004.
Workshops Organized
Dr. Bill Seiler, Prof. and Chair, Communication Studies Dept. at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, August 19-20, 2010. “Communication in the Classroom.”
Dr. Bill Seiler, Prof. and Chair, Communication Studies Dept. at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, October 21, 2004. “Teaching
Hawley, Cody, “Idealism and Pragmatism in the Rhetoric of John Boehner: A Weaverian Analysis of Congressional Discourse.” Spring 2014.
Meeks, Terry, “Moore of Feminine Style: A Rhetorical Examination of Wednesdays with Beth,” Fall 2013.
Foreman, Patricia, “It’s Just That For The First Time I Feel… Wicked”: A Rhetorical Analysis of Wicked’s Elphaba, Using Kenneth Burke’s Guilt-Purification-Redemption Cycle.” Spring 2013
Almeida, Tatiana, “American Sueño: Hispanic Immigrants’ Cultural Adaptation in American Small Cities.” Liberty University, 2012.
Johnikin, Ebonee, “An Analysis of Coworker Friendship Relationships,” Liberty University, 2011.
Kimberly Borland, “Now and Then: A Look at Non-Traditional vs. Traditional Marriage Roles,” Liberty University, May 2011.
Paul Watson, “A World with Two Moons: An Analysis of Reader Identification,” Liberty University, May 2010.
Li, Zhou Feng, Bridging the Gap: Intercultural Friendship between Chinese and Americans, Liberty University, May 2010.
Jeff Boettger, “Motivation to Volunteer, Interpersonal Communication Motives, And Volunteerism: Identifying Elite Athletes’ Volunteer Interaction Position,” Liberty University, 2007.
Elizabeth VanWingerden, “’Girl Power’: A Fantasy Theme Analysis of Adolescent Females’ Uses and Gratifications of Christian
Empowerment Music,” Liberty University, 2006.
Davis, Paul, ” Fifteen Percent or More: A Content Analysis of Geico’s
Commercial Advertising.” Liberty University, May 2013.
Marcus, Joseph, “The Story of Your Life on a Single Page: Assessing the Narrative Coherence of Life Storytelling through Facebook’s Timeline Profile Design.” Liberty University, May 2013.
Wagner, Phillip, “I’m OK, You’re Not: Assessing Variable Influence on Perceptions of the Mentally Ill Among College Students.” Liberty
University, May 2012.
Thompson, Alyson, “To Post or Not to Post: An Examination of Gender Differences in Undergraduates’ Self-Disclosure on Facebook.” Liberty University, May 2012.
Hunt, Courtney, “But Enough About Me…”: An Investigation of Young Adults’ Self-Disclosure in Summer Camp Environments Liberty,” University, May 2011.
Du, Yuxiang, “Communication Disconnect: Generational Stereotypes between Generation X/Y and Baby Boomers in American and Chinese Organizational Communication,” Liberty University, May 2011
Li, Ying, “Cognitive Collision: Chinese Students’ Experience of Cognitive Dissonance Regarding Christianity in the United States,” Liberty University, December 2010
Maddox, Jennifer, Blueprints of Friendship: The Influence of Personality on Perceived Intimacy and Comfort Level of Disclosure in Friendship
Liberty University, May 2010
Briggs, Elizabeth, “Blueprints of Friendship: The Influence of Personality on Perceived Intimacy and Comfort Level of Disclosure in Friendship,” Liberty University, May 2010
Marianne Crosby, “Oprah Winfrey: The Framing of Religion, Family, and Philanthropy,” May 2009.
Rebecca Daniels, “Messages in the Music: Applying the ‘Illusion of Life’ Rhetorical Perspective to the Television Show, Grey’s Anatomy,” in process.
Cao, Selena, “Determining the Media American college Students Prefer When Considering the Purchase of Products Manufactured in China: An Application of Media Richness Theory,” May 2009.
Chelsey Willis, “To Give or Not to Give: Attributions of Philanthropy
Motivation in Fund Raising Letters.” Liberty University, 2008
Kevin Mahan, “It Was and It Isn’t: A Rhetorical Exploration of Simulacra in Emerging Church Vintage Worship,” Liberty University, 2008
Ashley Johnston, “Contradiction and the Carnival: A Study of
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Framework Applied to
Communication within a Carnival Setting,” Liberty University,
Jason Leverett, “Relational Maintenance Behaviors between College Freshmen and their Parents via Instant Messaging,” Liberty
University, 2007.
Amanda Leanne Carver, “Intrapersonal Communication and Post
Disclosure Dialectics: An Examination of the Dialectical Tensions Experienced Following Self-Disclosure,” Liberty University, 2006.
Chair, Department of Communication Studies, School of Communication,
Liberty University, 7/06 to 7/12.
Director of Graduate Student Assistants, M.A. in Communication Studies, Communication Department, Liberty University, 8/04 to 7/11.
Director, COMS 101 Basic Course Program, Liberty University, 8/03 to 7/11.
Coordinator, Speech Concentration, Communication Studies, Liberty University, 8/05 to 5/06.
Director, COMS 101 Distance Learning Program, Liberty University,
8/04 to 1/06.
Director of Undergraduate Programs, Colorado Christian University, School of Professional Studies, 8/98 to 5/99
Director, Christian Leadership, and Management of Human
Resources Programs, Colorado Christian University, School of
Professional Studies, 5/98 to 8/98
Director, Christian Leadership Program, Colorado Christian
University, School of Professional Studies, 8/97 to 5/98
Assistant Director, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Speech
Communication 109, Fundamentals of Human Communication:
Personalized System of Instruction Program, 8/86 to 12/90
Director, Internal Affairs, El Pueblo Boys’ and Girls’ Ranch, Pueblo,
Colorado, 5/01 to 4/02
Program Director, Child Placement Agency, El Pueblo Boys’ and
Girls’ Ranch, Pueblo Colorado, 8/00 to 5/01
Interim Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Pueblo, CO, 2001
Pastor, Grace Church, Sioux Falls, SD, 1/96 to 7/97
Pastor, Shiloh Evangelical Free Church, West Fargo, ND, 12/90 to 12/94
Shorter University
Communication Arts Department, Critical Thinking Assessment, Spring 2015
Faculty Advisor to the Periscope student newspaper, 2014-2015
Liberty University
Graduate Faculty Committee, Communication Department, 8/04 to 6/14
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Communication Studies, 8/04 to 6/14.
Outcomes and Assessment Committee, Communication Department, 8/02 to 8/04; 8/05 to 6/14.
Core Competency Committee, 10/12/07 to 3/10
Institutional Review Board, 8/06 to 9/10
Quality Enhancement Program Committee, 6/06 to 5/10.
Quality Enhancement Program Development Committee, 4/06 to 6/06
SACS Graduate Program Assessment, M.A. in Communication Studies, Assessment of Public Address concentration, 9/04 to 5/05.
University Assessment Task Force, 3/13/08 to 3/25-08
Graduate Education Committee, Communication Department, 8/02 to 5/07.
Virginia Association of Communication Art and Sciences,
Division Chair, Interpersonal and Small Group, 9/03 to 6/14.
Board Member, 9/03 to 6/14.
Colorado Christian University, Lakewood, Colorado
L.E.A.R.N. Representative, 8/97-5/99
Denver Institute for Urban Studies Representative, 8/98-5/99
Graduation Committee, 8/98-5/99
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska
Audio-Visual Lab Coordinator
Human Subjects Committee
Grading Appeals Committee
Faculty Search Committee
National Communication Association
Religious Communication Association
Broadcast Educators Association
Georgia Communication Association
Ordained Minister, Hyland Heights Baptist Church, Pastor Carl Weiser, Southern
Baptist Conservatives of Virginia, Rustburg, VA, April 14, 2013
Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, January 2009 to July 2014.
Hyland Heights Baptist Church, SBC, Connections ABF Prayer Leader, January 2010 to July 2014.
Liberty University Writer’s Conference
Master of Ceremonies, October 31-November 1, 2008
Blue Ridge Community Church
Communications Committee, member, 3/04 to 5/05
IMAGINE Campaign, Communications Committee, member, 8/04 to 5/05
Small Group Ministry, Small Group Leader, 2/04 to 5/05
Small Group Ministry, Small Group Leaders Coach, 8/04 to 5/05
El Pueblo Boys’ and Girls’ Ranch, Pueblo, Colorado,
CAFCA Representative, 2001-2002
Camp IANA Christian Camp, Divide, Colorado, Board Member, 2002
Announcer, KFNW Radio, Fargo, ND, Northwestern College Radio Network, 6/95 to 1/96.